Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So, who won the Pickup Artist? A Latino actor. Oh man, yeah, I'm sure he was a real nerd before that.

So I guess since none of the really nerdy guys came close to winning (except Joe, but he wasn't a nerd, he just wasn't confident) does that cement the role of genetics and the ability to be alpha? I hope not. Otherwise, there are going to be alot of pissed off Asian men in the coming decades.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Female Sexuality

The fight goes on. Free people's minds. Let them realize that a slutty woman is NOT a bad person. Unfortunately, I'm not winning the fight. On Dusk in Autumn's blog the comments are not entirely friendly to abject promiscuity.

Apparently honor killings are still in vogue

What will it take for people to gain sanity in this age where feminists team up with Islamists to tackle the Christian right? God damn it, I want to have sex with someone from the middle east - I find Persian girls extremely attractive. But no, it won't happen anytime soon, or at least with my level of game and economic resources. Not fair!

What the hell is so wrong about women putting out when billions live on less than a dollar a day, global warming threatens the environment, soldiers die in Iraq, genocide in darfur, billions of animals slaughtered in the meat industry.

And yet, the most pressing concern for the average Islamic family is the protection of their "honor." Disgusting.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Does God Exist?

Best proof yet against intelligent design:


Monday, September 17, 2007

Brooks and IQ

I felt quite upset when I read David Brook's post on IQ in the NYT and realized the hogwash that was being sprouted by a guy that has the occasionally interesting column.

A nice phenomenon of the past few years is the diminishing influence of I.Q.
For a time, I.Q. was the most reliable method we had to capture mental aptitude. People had the impression that we are born with these information-processing engines in our heads and that smart people have more horsepower than dumb people.
And in fact, there’s something to that. There is such a thing as general intelligence; people who are good at one mental skill tend to be good at others. This intelligence is partly hereditary. A meta-analysis by Bernie Devlin of the University of Pittsburgh found that genes account for about 48 percent of the differences in I.Q. scores. There’s even evidence that people with bigger brains tend to have higher intelligence.
But there has always been something opaque about I.Q. In the first place, there’s no consensus about what intelligence is. Some people think intelligence is the ability to adapt to an environment, others that capacity to think abstractly, and so on.
Then there are weird patterns. For example, over the past century, average I.Q. scores have risen at a rate of about 3 to 6 points per decade. This phenomenon, known as the Flynn effect, has been measured in many countries and across all age groups. Nobody seems to understand why this happens or why it seems to be petering out in some places, like Scandinavia.
I.Q. can also be powerfully affected by environment. As Eric Turkheimer of the University of Virginia and others have shown, growing up in poverty can affect your intelligence for the worse. Growing up in an emotionally strangled household also affects I.Q.
One of the classic findings of this was made by H.M. Skeels back in the 1930s. He studied mentally retarded orphans who were put in foster homes. After four years, their I.Q.’s diverged an amazing 50 points from orphans who were not moved. And the remarkable thing is the mothers who adopted the orphans were themselves mentally retarded and living in a different institution. It wasn’t tutoring that produced the I.Q. spike; it was love.
Then, finally, there are the various theories of multiple intelligences. We don’t just have one thing called intelligence. We have a lot of distinct mental capacities. These theories thrive, despite resistance from the statisticians, because they explain everyday experience. I’m decent at processing words, but when it comes to calculating the caroms on a pool table, I have the aptitude of a sea slug.
I.Q., in other words, is a black box. It measures something, but it’s not clear what it is or whether it’s good at predicting how people will do in life. Over the past few years, scientists have opened the black box to investigate the brain itself, not a statistical artifact.
Now you can read books about mental capacities in which the subject of I.Q. and intelligence barely comes up. The authors are concerned instead with, say, the parallel processes that compete for attention in the brain, and how they integrate. They’re discovering that far from being a cold engine for processing information, neural connections are shaped by emotion.
Antonio Damasio of the University of Southern California had a patient rendered emotionless by damage to his frontal lobes. When asked what day he could come back for an appointment, he stood there for nearly half an hour describing the pros and cons of different dates, but was incapable of making a decision. This is not the Spock-like brain engine suggested by the I.Q.
Today, the research that dominates public conversation is not about raw brain power but about the strengths and consequences of specific processes. Daniel Schacter of Harvard writes about the vices that flow from the way memory works. Daniel Gilbert, also of Harvard, describes the mistakes people make in perceiving the future. If people at Harvard are moving beyond general intelligence, you know something big is happening.
The cultural consequence is that judging intelligence is less like measuring horsepower in an engine and more like watching ballet. Speed and strength are part of intelligence, and these things can be measured numerically, but the essence of the activity is found in the rhythm and grace and personality — traits that are the products of an idiosyncratic blend of emotions, experiences, motivations and inheritances.
Recent brain research, rather than reducing everything to electrical impulses and quantifiable pulses, actually enhances our appreciation of human complexity and richness. While psychometrics offered the false allure of objective fact, the new science brings us back into contact with literature, history and the humanities, and, ultimately, to the uniqueness of the individual.

Beyond just the sheer usefulness of IQ in predicting life outcomes for large groups of people, this guy is really trying to bring the fuzzy back into human sciences. Apparently he hasn't been keeping in touch with cognitive science, which really IS reducing people to impulses. Combine that with research on animal intelligence, and humans really aren't these special creatures after all - we're selfish genes.

Anyway, here are some refutations

Steve Sailer has a column with some good comments

Friday, September 14, 2007

Same Old

Was at a club the other day and I heard someone make a comment about asian girls going out with ugly white guys because of their status. I then turned to the Asian girl next to me and asked her about it. She said yeah, it happens, and then took a distinctly anti-white guy tone while discussing the phenomena. So, I asked her whether an asian girl would chose an asian hot guy over a white hot guy.

Her answer? "There are no Asian hot guys."

The truth comes out. Asian Playboy has his work cut out for him.

Well, the last minority was kicked off of Pickup Artist. That's not surprising. And the three guys left are pretty much who I expected to get there.

The fat guy is a little surprising, but a tall good looking guy and a Latino are doing well in a pickup artist competition. How is that a shocker? Come on, if you compare the first Asian dude in the beginning with a Latino guy that's just not fair. I'm yet to see mainstream pickup address the race question.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Partition Iraq

There is, honestly, no other solution than splitting Iraq into different zones- Sunni, Shiite, and Kurd.

Otherwise, we risk genocide. Some think that we're ruining the Iraqi national identity. What Iraqi national identity?

Honestly, the Iraqis are incapable of getting along with one another. So, split them up and let's get the %^&* out. My idealism died a very long time ago when I saw them parading through the streets with the dead bodies of American contractors. Disgusting.

The iraqi people do not deserve American blood. All they have shown is sectarianism and incompetence.

I've been saying this for a LONG time (though not on this blog). People should just look at R. Lynn's IQ data.