Thursday, January 31, 2008

Liveblogging pre Super Tuesday Debate

Moral imperative to make health care affordable. I am not sure. Again, the health care is 3 separate issues. One is the conflict of interest w/ the HMOs. The other is the question of whether we should pay for each other's health care. And the third is the degree to which pharmaceutical companies should be allowed to keep profits from innovation.

Immigrants NOT causing lower wages? Obama's answer is bs. The Mexicans do bring down wages, because even though they take jobs that no one wants, if the wage rises, people will want them.

"The only people who get the jobs are the ones without proper documentation."
HAHAHA I'm sure that guy said "Mexicans" to Clinton and she tiptoed around it.
Try to learn English? Learn it, dammit!
Anyway, one has to somewhat admire Obama. Either way, given McCain's record, the Dems won't get hit too hard on this issue.

In the short term, the immigrants are good for the US as a whole (economically, they are the equivalent of a free trade agreement). In the long term, it's bad to let in unassimilated large groups of low IQ people whose loyalty lies across the border. But given that opposition to immigration comes from white supremacists, my heart isn't 100% against the Mexicans.

8:58 Civil Rights attorney. Suing companies to force them to hire more minorities?

Zinger! What kind of exec is Romney if he sucks at his campaign?
And MBA Bush totally failing at running the US!
Obama pulls another one. It's starting to seem like the Dems would run circles around McCain and Romney.

9:11 Zinger! A Clinton needed to clean up after a Bush.
Oh, what timing.

Did anyone see the Ron Paul sign? That would be alot of fun if he was at the debate too.

9:18. The Iraqi government will fail at making tough decisions. But either way, Americans shouldn't die because of their incompetence. Deadlines will force them to do something, even if it won't hold. And wtf is going to happen to our embassy?

9:36 People should stop harping on Clinton for her vote. It was NOT a vote for war. Get over it. Or was it, when people look at realistically rather than just the words?
Eh, who knows. It was just a poisonous political atmosphere.

9:45 The cackle! Hillary always breaks it out when there are annoying questions that she wants to downplay. And this one was about Bill.

Dream ticket?

I don't know. After seeing this debate, there is now way the Republicans can win. Even though they may be right on some issues, the Republicans are sleazebags and Bush apologists and out of touch. I'm feeling optimistic. Despite the disagreements, there was a real sense of cooperation between them in terms of wanting to erase the Bush legacy. While the Republicans are busy arguing over who is going to inherit Reagan's mantle.

I am still yet to decide over Obama or Clinton, but am honestly okay with either of them.

And yes, there are racial differences in intelligence.
And yes, Muslims really suck.
And yes, illegal immigrants pose a long term challenge to the US.

But now we have different priorities. McCain's time was in 2000. Republicans screwed up by not picking him them. They may want him now, but it's too late. They had their chance and ruined this country.

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